Personal Finance

Retirement Calculator

Calculate how much you’ll need to retire comfortably, and enjoy your retirement.

debt calculator, retirement calculator, investing calculator, mortgage calculator

Disclaimer: All calculations are an estimate and should only be used as an reference and for entertainment purposes only. For all financial advice, you should approach a good financial or legal adviser, whom can help you understand complex issues, diagnose potential problems and take steps to plan for the future.

Using this retirement calculator

Simple Retirement Calculator helps you to calculate how much you need to save so that you can live comfortably in the future. You can be in control of your future! Plan Ahead Plan Your Future!

3 items to enter to get your results now:

  • Current age
  • Retirement Age
  • Annual spending

We will help you calculate the amount of savings you need to have at your retirement age in order to retire comfortably at your current spending.

Current age

Here you will use the slider to enter your age this year.

Note: Have to be before or the same as your retirement age.

Retirement Age

This is where you will use the slider to choose the age at which you are looking to retire at.

Note: Have to be after or the same as your current age.

Annual spending

This is the ‘Buying Power’ of today that you are going to spend annually during your retirement.

Want to customize your results?

Simply change the setting for the following:

  • Average Life Expectancy
  • Inflation Rate (Recommend 3% inflation rate)

Change of any of these criteria will change the total amount you need to save at the start of your retirement.

Average Life Expectancy:

This is the average life expectancy (end of retirement) for a normal person. This will vary greatly for different gender, race, country, and the availability of healthcare services.

Inflation Rate:

The calculation of the amount of savings you need to have at your retirement age includes the inflation rate.

With reference to the past year’s data a 3% inflation rate is the most common and is recommended to be used for calculation.

For a 3% inflation per year, just move the slider to 3%

Plan ahead, because your future is worth it!

Head over and try the calculator Now!

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