Should I Start investing in ETF or picking particular stocks?


I am new to investing, I am not sure if I should start by buying ETF or finding blue chip stocks

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Antony C.0 0 Comments

Not an investment advice, but generally for new investors, it will be better if you can start from buying ETF as it offers a range of benefits not offered by buying individual blue chip stocks. Benefits offered are such as:
– Better diversification of your investment.
– Since you are a new investor, ETF are generally consider low risk in compared to blue chip, making it a better option.
– ETFs don’t need you to have too much investment knowledge to start investing, however, buying blue chip will require you to know what is a good price to buy and if the company have a strong moat, both required some sort of investment knowledge.
Hope this answer can help you in your investment journey!
For more info, do check out my in-depth guide on investing here:

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