
How to Create an Online Course Outline (with Template)


Wondering how to create effective course outline for your online course as an course creator or edupreneur? All successful course design starts with creating an online course outline.

A great course outline should help your students understand what will be covered in the course and will include:

  • Course requirements
  • Goal of the course
  • Overview of the course

Together with an online course outline template, let’s learn how to create an effective course outline for your next course.


  • Course Outline Foundation: A well-crafted online course begins with a solid outline, serving as a roadmap for both learners and course creators.
  • Purpose of a Course Outline: The outline ensures all necessary topics are covered, offering a logical flow and enhancing the learning experience for students.
  • Key Components of an Outline: Components like a captivating course name, clear objectives, structured content, and effective assessments are crucial for a successful online course.
  • Creating an Effective Outline: Understand your audience, define clear learning outcomes, identify milestones, plan modules and lessons, and include diverse assessment methods for a comprehensive course.
  • Adaptability and Improvement: Stay flexible, gather feedback, and continuously update your course outline to maintain relevance and improve the overall learning experience.

What is a Course Outline For Your Online Course?

Course outline helps to lay the foundation for your entire online course program a roadmap guiding learners through your content.

The outline is used to establish a framework of your online course, organizing your course information from the start to finish, you create a clear picture of how your course will progress. 

Why Do We Need to Create an Effective Course Outline?

The course outline can help you ensure that all necessary topics are covered, and that there’s a logical flow from one section to the next.

  • For Learners: An organized outline enhances the learning experience by making it easier for students to follow and comprehend the material.
  • For Course Creator: An outline supports you, the course creator, in structuring and pacing the content effectively.

A detailed course syllabus acts as a transparent contract between you and your students, setting expectations and outlining the journey ahead.

In a nutshell, the outline let you consider the overall course format and how different elements align with your teaching style and objectives.

Some of us don’t like to show our faces, thus you may want to consider doing PowerPoint type of online course, or animation, or whiteboarding.

While others aren’t that camera shy, and are great at presenting themselves on camera.

The outline create a structured approach that enhance the quality of your online course, ultimately leading to improved student engagement and learning outcomes.

Essential Components to Create an Online Course Outline

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Creating a course outline is a fundamental step in organizing your online teaching efforts. It provides clarity and structure, ensuring you cover all necessary material and learning goals for your course.

1. Course Name

80% of your visitor will read your title and they will decide to click on it within 1/4 second.

Your course title should be captivating and give a clear indication of the content.

It’s the first impression students get, so make it count.

Think of a name that is both descriptive and attention-grabbing, boosting the chances that a potential student will explore your course further.

2. Course Description and Objectives

A course description sets the stage for the course requirements and what students can expect to learn. 

It should be a concise overview that outlines the course objectives and skills they’ll acquire. This section is crucial as it aligns expectations and stimulates interest.

3. Learning Outcomes and Teaching Strategies

Your learning outcome and teaching strategies, detail the specific on what your students can expect and the specific way you will teach your learners.

Whether you’ll use interactive lessons, demonstrations, or case studies, clear outcomes and strategies help students understand the potential transformation or learning experience they’ll gain from your course.

4. Course Content and Structure

Break down your content into manageable modules and subtopics, providing a clear syllabus.

Include any visuals, lesson plans, and learning activities that will assist in comprehension.

Well-structured course with course content developed in a way that the learning path is easily navigable.

5. Assessment and Evaluation Methods

Finally, outline your assessment and evaluation methods to track and measure student progress.

This may include quizzes, tests, or practical assessments.

A good assessment plan emphasizes the milestones, course development and measures students need to achieve to demonstrate their understanding of the material.

Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a Course Outline For Course Creator

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Crafting an engaging and effective course begins with a structured plan.

Your roadmap to success starts with a clear and detailed course outline that ensures your content aligns with your educational goals.

Step 1. Understand Your Target Audience and Build a Learner Profile

Before diving into the actual course content, it’s crucial you identify who your learners are.

  • Understand their needs.
  • Know their preferences.
  • Uncover their challenges. 

This knowledge will guide you in creating content ideas that resonates and is impactful.

It’s about building a foundation that tailors the educational experience to your audience’s characteristics, ultimately aiming for higher engagement and better learning outcomes.

Step 2. Define Your Learning Outcome

Your course should have a clear, measurable learning outcome.

Define what your learners will be able to do once they’ve completed the course.

Your learning objectives should be SMART:

  • Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

It serves as a compass for the entire course creation process, ensuring that your content remains focused and effective.

Step 3. Identify Main Milestone of Your Course

Map out the key milestones of your course.

  • Significant achievements your learners will reach along their journey. 
  • Progress which are significant during the learning journey.
  • Achievements that will keep your learners motivated. 

Ensure that each milestone demonstrated a clear advancement in knowledge or skill.

Step 4. Plan Your Modules and Lessons

Break down the course into manageable modules and lessons.

Each module should cover a coherent block of content that progresses logically from one section to the next.

This organized structure not only aids in digesting the information but also helps you maintain a clear and focused roadmap.

Use tables or lists to display the modules and topics to give you and your learners clarity on the course structure.

Step 5. Include Knowledge Assessment

Knowledge assessments are integral to the instructional design.

They allow you and your learners to measure progress and ensure the course’s learning objectives are being met. Include various forms of assessments like:

  • Quizzes and assignments
  • Interactive activities
  • Group activities and projects

The knowledge assessment helps to solidify the learning and provide valuable feedback.

Online Course Outline Template and Example

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Creating a course outline is a foundational step in your course creation process. With a template, you can ensure that every essential topic is covered effectively.

It provides a structured guide, making the task less overwhelming. A typical template includes a clear introduction, detailed session breakdowns, learning objectives, and allocated resources.

Creating The Introduction

Welcome your students with a compelling introduction that sets the tone for the course.

  1. Clearly outline what participants can expect
  2. Emphasizing the value they will gain from the course.
  3. Make it intriguing, sparking curiosity about the exciting journey ahead.


Welcome to [Online Course Name], where we’ll walk through [Course Expectation]. In this course you will [Value from taking the Course]. I am excited for you because here you’ll [Benefit from the course where you won’t get anywhere else].


Discover the transformative power of yoga and how it can enhance your physical and mental well-being. Understand the unique features of our course and what sets it apart in promoting holistic health.

Learning Objectives

Define the overarching goals of your course by establishing clear and concise learning objectives.

These objectives serve as guiding beacons, keeping the course focused and goal-oriented. Use bullet points or numbered lists to maintain clarity.

Template and Example of Learning Objectives

Module 1: [Module Title]

  • Objective 1: [What is your main objective?]
  • Objective 2: [What is your sub-objective?]

Module 2: Fundamental to Yoga

  • Objective 1: Master basic yoga poses for a strong foundation.
  • Objective 2: Understand the principles of mindful breathing.

Module 3:…

Session and Lesson Breakdowns

Organize your course into well-structured sessions, each contributing to the overall learning experience.

Create a table to showcase session titles, ensuring a logical flow from one module to the next.

Break down the content into digestible portions, enhancing comprehension and retention.

Template and Example of Session Breakdowns

Session 1: [Session Title]

  • Key Takeaways: [Highlight the main concepts]
  • Assignments: [Specify relevant tasks for participants]

Session 2: Fundamental to Yoga

  • Key Takeaways: Discover yoga poses and breathing exercises for stress relief.
  • Assessments: Reflect on stress reduction techniques in daily life.

Session 3:…

Learning Resources

Allocate resources that complement each session, aiding participants in their learning journey.

Utilize lists to provide easy access to recommended readings, videos, or external materials that enhance the understanding of the subject matter.

  • Recommended Readings: [List of books, articles, or online resources]
  • Supplementary Videos: [Include links to relevant videos]
  • Additional Resources: [Provide any extra materials for in-depth exploration]

Formatting Tips

Enhance the visual appeal and clarity of your outline by incorporating formatting tools.

  • Bold: Emphasize the importance of key ideas.
  • Italic: Highlight and emphasize key points.
  • Tables: Organize session breakdowns for easy reference.
  • Lists: Clearly present learning objectives and recommended resources.
  • Headers: Employ headers and sub-headers to create a hierarchical structure.

Choosing the Right Platform

Selecting the appropriate platform for your online course is crucial for success.

Evaluate platforms that offer customizable templates tailored for course developers.

Ensure the chosen platform aligns with the needs of both you and your audience, facilitating seamless course creation and delivery.

Types of Course Outline

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When you’re gearing up to create your online course, you’ll encounter various types of course outlines to choose from, each fitting a different teaching style or learning objective.

Presell Courses:

  • Aimed at generating interest before launch.
  • Mainly includes course topics and potential outcomes.

Orientation Courses:

  • Introduce learners to subject matter.
  • Provide navigation through coursework.


  • Bite-sized content for quick learning.
  • Focuses on a specific skill or topic.

Live Courses:

  • Offer real-time interaction with instructors.
  • Could include Q&A sessions, webinars.


  • Highly interactive and hands-on.
  • Emphasize practical application of skills.

Professional Training Courses:

  • Targeted at specific professions.
  • Include case studies, industry-specific examples.

Certification Courses:

  • Lead to a formal qualification.
  • Often include exams, practical assignments.

Niche Topic Courses:

  • Tailored to special interest areas.
  • Encourage deep dives into specialized subjects.

Academic Courses:

  • Structured similarly to college courses.
  • Include lectures, readings, exams.

Drip-feed Courses:

  • Content is released incrementally.
  • Helps to maintain learner engagement over time.

When selecting the outline that best fits your course, consider your audience and the learning outcomes you aim for.

Choosing the Right Fit

Your course outline serves as the compass guiding learners through their educational journey. Here’s a quick overview for the different types of course:

Course TypeKey Features
Presell CoursesGenerates pre-launch interest, outlines main topics.
Orientation CoursesIntroduces subject matter, provides clear navigation.
Mini-CoursesBite-sized content, focuses on specific skills/topics.
Live CoursesReal-time interaction, may include Q&A sessions.
WorkshopsHighly interactive, emphasizes practical application.
Professional TrainingTargeted at specific professions, includes case studies.
Certification CoursesLeads to formal qualification, often includes exams.
Niche Topic CoursesTailored to special interests, encourages deep dives.
Academic CoursesStructured like college courses, includes lectures.
Drip-feed CoursesContent released incrementally, maintains engagement.

Your choice of course outline sets the stage for a successful educational experience, shaping the way your learners engage with and absorb the valuable content you provide.

Implementing Your Course Outline for Your Online Course Business

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Creating your course outline is a pivotal step to structuring your online course efficiently. Once you have laid out your course syllabus, your next move is to implement it effectively.

  • Next is to prepare lesson plans that align with your course schedule and making sure your learning activities are engaging.

For a successful learning experience, consider integrating a variety of teaching methods.

  • Create interactive video lessons
  • Include in-depth research assignments
  • Add compelling visuals to hold the student’s interest.

Your course curriculum should not only be informative but also adaptive to diverse learning styles.

Gather all necessary course materials beforehand to ensure a smooth transition from one lesson to the next.

Design your lessons to be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

SMART goals is a great way for may things in life, I’ve use this methodology to help me achieve many of my personal goals.

With SMART, you give your students a clear path to follow that brings them towards their educational goals.

Finally, remember that your course outline isn’t set in stone.

  • Stay flexible and make adjustments based on student feedback.
  • Regularly updating your course can help maintain its relevance and improve the overall learning experience.

Continuous improvement is the key to creating an online course business that your learners will love. 

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Founder & Financial Writer at Income Buddies | Website | Posts by Author

Antony C. is a dividend investor with over 15+ years of investing experience. He’s also the book author of “Start Small, Dream Big“, certified PMP® holder and founder of IncomeBuddies.com (IB). At IB, he share his personal journey and expertise on growing passive income through dividend investing and building online business. Antony has been featured in global news outlet including Yahoo Finance, Nasdaq and Non Fiction Author Association (NFAA).

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