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How To Use The Debt Lasso Method To Pay Off Debt (Debt Free)


Are you tired of the constant weight of credit card debt pulling you down and want to become debt free fast? The debt lasso method is a strategic approach popularized by the debt free guys on reducing the credit card interest rate, help improve your credit score and pay off our debt fast with the help of minimum monthly payment and exploring the right credit card companies.

Similar to debt snowball method and the avalanche method, using the debt lasso method to pay off debt can help you become debt free fast.

What is The Debt Lasso Method?

Debt Lasso method involves consolidating your debt to reduce interest rates and streamline your repayment process. It is a debt management approach that focuses on one critical factor: your interest rate.

By reducing your interest rates and consolidating your debts, this method empowers you to pay off your credit card debt faster and more efficiently.

How To Pay Off Debt Using The Debt Lasso Strategy

The Debt Lasso strategy is remarkably simple, yet highly effective. It revolves around five key steps that, when followed diligently, can help you pay off your debt faster and more efficiently

1. Commitment

With the debt lasso method for paying off debt, you must first commit yourself not to get any more debt and commit to paying toward your debt every month till you’re debt free.

  • Make a firm commitment to halt any new credit card debt.
  • Dedicate yourself to making regular monthly payments towards your existing debt.

2. Trim

Analyze and trip off the number of debts and get quick wins in the beginning of the process, pay off the small debts quickly and reduce the total number of debts you have right now.

  • Identify debts that you can pay off quickly within the first month or two and prioritize them.
  • Achieving quick wins can boost your confidence and motivation.

3. Lasso your debt

Conduct a debt consolidation or refinancing, identify high interest rate credit card and low interest rate credit cards. Balance transfer credit cards with the highest interest rate into cards with low or even 0% interest rate.

Start with the highest interest rate debt first while making minimum payment of the rest of the debt.

  • Consolidate your debts onto a credit card with a lower interest rate and have your debt into as few locations as possible.
  • Consider balance transfers or, if applicable, taking out a loan to pay off high-interest debts.
  • Process of opening and closing credit cards removing expensive debt and replace with a cheaper one.

4. Automate debt payment

Automate all your payment towards the costliest debt first, paying off one debt at a time before moving to the next highest interest rate debt.

  • Set up automatic payments through your bank to ensure you never miss a due date.
  • Avoid late charges and rising interest rates by being punctual.

5. Monitor the progress

Rinse and repeat the process and monitor your progress as you pay off more of your debt each month.

  • Regularly check your debt reduction progress and monitor the interest rate of each of your debt.
  • Assess if adjustments are needed, especially when dealing with promotional balance transfer offers.
  • Most companies offers 0% interest if you pay off your credit card debt in six months, when exceeded, the interest rate will be back to normal.

Why Debt Lasso Method Works?

The Debt Lasso method works due to its focus on reducing interest rates, consolidating debts, and providing a structured path to debt freedom.

Debt lasso process combines the advantages of both the Snowball and Avalanche methods, offering motivation through quick wins and interest savings.

Pros and Cons of the Debt Lasso Method to Wrangle Your Debt

Like all debt management strategy, the Debt Lasso method comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages which you may want to consider to adopt the lasso method successfully.

Pros Of Debt Lasso Method

  • Efficient interest rate reduction.
  • Faster debt payoff.
  • Potential to improve credit score.
  • Potential for substantial interest savings.
  • Motivation through quick wins.
  • Convenient automation of payment plans.

Cons Of Debt Lasso Method

  • May not be suitable for extremely high debt levels.
  • Requires discipline and commitment.
  • Balance transfer fees may apply.
  • Must carefully manage balance transfer offers.

Why You Might Want To Use Debt Lasso Method

Debt lasso method reins as the fastest way to get out of debt as it focus on prioritizing your costliest debt first, ideal for those who have average or above-average credit scores.

Optimizing your interest rate, consolidating your high interest rate debt into lower interest rate debt, using credit cards, debt lasso helps you to lower your interest rates, achieve faster debt payoff, and the flexibility to automate payments, making it an attractive choice for many.

Who Should Use The Debt Lasso Method?

If you owe less in credit card debt than your annual income and can’t pay it off in six months or less, the Debt Lasso method could be your path to debt freedom.

Debt lasso is best strategy if you have a good credit score, as you can access lower interest rates.

What Are The Other Popular Way to Pay Off Credit Card Debt?

While the Debt Lasso method shines as a debt repayment strategy, it’s essential to be aware of alternative approaches, such as the Debt Snowball and Debt Avalanche methods.

These methods prioritize different aspects of debt repayment.

Debt Snowball Method

The Debt Snowball method is a debt repayment strategy that focuses on paying off the smallest debt balances first while making minimum payments on larger debts.

As each small debt is paid off, the freed-up money is then directed toward the next smallest debt.

This method aims to provide quick wins and a sense of accomplishment early in the debt repayment journey, which can boost motivation.

Debt Avalanche Method

The Debt Avalanche method, on the other hand, prioritizes paying off debts with the highest interest rates first. Instead of focusing on the debt amount, it targets the costliest debt in terms of interest.

By tackling high-interest debts aggressively, this method minimizes the total interest paid over time and may help you become debt-free faster, although it may not provide the same immediate motivational boost as the Debt Snowball method.

Difference Between Debt Lasso Method vs. Debt Snowball Method vs. Debt Avalanche Method

Debt repayment strategies come in different flavors, and Debt Lasso has its unique features compared to two popular alternatives: the Debt Snowball and Debt Avalanche methods.

Debt Lasso vs. Debt Snowball

  • Focus: Debt Snowball prioritizes motivation, starting with the smallest debt balances to provide quick wins. Debt Lasso, conversely, concentrates on reducing interest rates to save money in the long run.
  • Quick Wins vs. Interest Savings: Debt Snowball offers psychological victories with small debt eliminations. Debt Lasso aims for interest savings, potentially leading to faster overall debt reduction.
  • Duration: Debt Snowball may take longer to address high-interest debts, while Debt Lasso accelerates repayment by consolidating at lower interest rates.

Debt Lasso vs. Debt Avalanche:

  • Interest Rate Priority: Both Debt Lasso and Debt Avalanche consider interest rates crucial. However, Debt Avalanche targets the highest interest debt first, whereas Debt Lasso seeks a balanced approach.
  • Motivation vs. Interest Reduction: Debt Avalanche emphasizes interest savings but might not offer quick motivational wins. Debt Lasso strives to blend motivation with interest reduction.
  • Comprehensive Approach: Debt Lasso incorporates additional steps, like consolidating at lower rates and automating payments, to streamline the debt payoff process.

Debt Lasso vs. Debt Snowball vs. Debt Avalanche

And let put them all together into a quick comparison table to see what are the main difference between the 3 types of debt management methods.

AspectDebt LassoDebt SnowballDebt Avalanche
FocusInterest Rate ReductionMotivationInterest Rates
Quick WinsYesYesNo
Interest SavingsSignificantLimitedSignificant
Debt PriorityInterest RatesDebt Balance (Smallest)Interest Rates (Highest)
DurationFaster OverallVariablePotentially Longer
Motivation BoostYesSignificantLimited
StrategyBalance Transfer, Debt ConsolidationSmallest Debt First, Quick WinsHighest Interest Debt First

Debt Lasso, Debt Snowball, and Debt Avalanche methods for debt repayment offer distinct approaches.

  • Debt Lasso stands out for its focus on reducing interest rates while providing quick wins, making it a balanced choice.
  • Debt Snowball prioritizes quick motivational victories but offers limited interest savings.
  • Debt Avalanche concentrates on interest rates at the expense of motivational wins.

Debt Lasso’s comprehensive strategy, combining interest reduction and motivation, often leads to faster overall debt reduction. The choice among these methods should align with your financial goals, psychological preferences, and debt situation, ensuring an effective path to becoming debt-free.

Is Debt Lasso The Best Method to Pay Off Debt?

The Debt Lasso method offers a compelling approach to paying off credit card debt, but is it the best for you?

By focusing on interest rate reduction and smart consolidation, you can accelerate your journey to financial freedom. 

If you are open to use credit cards not to spend, but to pay off your debt and is committed to become debt free, the debt lasso method can be a great choice to take.

Remember, consistency and discipline are key. Implement this method, monitor your progress, and watch as your debt burden lightens, ultimately leading you to a debt-free life.

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Antony C. is a dividend investor with over 15+ years of investing experience. He’s also the book author of “Start Small, Dream Big“, certified PMP® holder and founder of IncomeBuddies.com (IB). At IB, he share his personal journey and expertise on growing passive income through dividend investing and building online business. Antony has been featured in global news outlet including Yahoo Finance, Nasdaq and Non Fiction Author Association (NFAA).

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