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How to Create Online Courses for Passive Income (Step Guide)


Are you looking to create and sell online course for passive income?

Studies have shown, an average course creator makes $70,478 per year, and the top 10% generate over $135,000 building an online course.

Many of these course creator and edupreneurs are making money online passively, making passive income by providing online learning for their audience.


  • Selecting a relevant niche and appropriate platform lays the foundation for a successful online course.
  • Engaging content, coupled with strategic marketing, drives the initial success of your course.
  • Automation and a well-structured sales funnel are key to scaling and maintaining a passive income stream.

Quiz: What Course Creator are You?

What course creator are you

How to Create Online Courses For Passive Income Stream

Everyone loves passive income, but not everyone knows how to create it or which is the best way to make passive income.

Personally, I think creating online course is a good way to generate passive income.

Not only creating courses helps you to build your online reputation as an expert in your field, but also offer you the potential to generate a six-figure passive income stream from your online course business.

1. Identifying Your Niche

Choosing the right niche for your online course is pivotal. It lays the foundation for a successful passive income stream by aligning your expertise with what your target audience desperately wants to learn.

Identifying Your Expertise

To uncover your niche, begin with a clear recognition of your own strengths and knowledge.

Reflect on subjects where you possess depth and can authentically teach that help transform your audience. 

If you’re adept at digital marketing, then an online course about advanced social media marketing strategies might be your calling.

Remember, the more specialized your skills, the less competition you’ll generally face.

Assessing Market Demand

Google Trends - Passive Income vs Active Income

After pinpointing your skills, it’s essential to ensure there’s a market demand for this knowledge.

Use tools like Google Trends or browse online forums related to your course topic to gauge interest.

  • Can you solve a problem that hasn’t been addressed?
  • Can you offer a unique angle? 

For instance, if you’re a yoga instructor, consider a course on “Yoga for Office Workers” if you see a demand in that subgroup.

Defining Your Target Audience

Knowing who your target audience is will affect every other decision you make. You need to sketch out a detailed buyer persona:

  • What is their age, profession, hobbies?
  • What is their pain points?
  • What they want to learn?

Are they aspiring photographers hoping to master landscape photography, or perhaps they are entrepreneurs looking to improve their leadership skills?

Tailor your content to meet their specific needs and desires.

2. Choosing the Right Platform to Start Teaching Online

How to create online course for passive income - Working

Selecting the right platform is crucial for the success of your online courses.

It influences how you interact with students, market your courses, and ultimately, how you generate income.

Online Course Platform

Getting started with the right online course platform is key to your success.

Today, there are many all-in-one online course platform where it offers all the features you’ll need to create, market, and sell your online course all at the same place.

These learning management system (LMS) offers many benefits over a course marketplace or a self-hosted solution.


  • Full control over every aspect of your online course
  • Build you own audience database
  • Don’t required technical expertise
  • Don’t require platform maintenance


  • Do not have an existing audience for your business
Why Online Course Platform is a Good Choice?

Online course platforms like those mentioned in my other article “Best Online Course Platform for Course Creators” offers a balance of ease of use and control.

  • No Technical Knowledge Required: With them, even if you’re not tech-savvy, setting up a comprehensive online course is straightforward. 
  • Course Creation: These platforms offers tools for creating course that offers advance features such as interactive videos, gamifications or drip content for personalized learning.
  • All-In-One Online Course Platform: Dedicated online course platforms offers you the tools for course creation, marketing, and analytics all in one place, ensuring you have a high level of control over the content and pricing without needing advanced technical know-how.

Full control of your online course with little technical knowledge required makes creating your course with dedicated online course platforms a great way to get started for both beginners and seasoned educators.

Self-Hosting Online Course Solutions

Self-hosting your course on a platform like WordPress might be the right path if you’re comfortable with technical setups.

Integrating a Learning Management System (LMS) plugin, you can transform a WordPress site into a powerful teaching tool.


  • Full control over every aspect of your online course
  • Build you own audience database


  • Required technical expertise
  • Require platform maintenance
  • Do not have an existing audience for your business

Online Course Marketplaces

Easy to get started but you’ll have little control over your online business:

Joining course marketplaces like Udemy carries the advantage of ease.

You can swiftly host your course on a platform with an existing audience.

However, the trade-off is you have less control over pricing, promotions, and access to student data, an important considerations when you’re aiming build yourself a reliable stream of passive income.


  • Don’t required technical expertise
  • Don’t require platform maintenance
  • Have an existing audience


  • No control over your online course
  • Audience is not yours
  • Competing with thousands of other course creators for limited audience

3. Developing Your Course Content

How to create online course for passive income - Workspace

Before you start recording videos or writing lectures, it’s crucial to lay a strong foundation for your course.

Planning your course with a clear learning objective, course curriculum, outline and engaging material ensures that your content is organized and valuable for your learners.

Crafting a Course Outline

First, create a course outline to organize your course content effectively. This will serve as the roadmap for your course.

When you plan your course, start with the broad topics and break them down into specific lessons. Here’s a simple structure to follow:

  1. Introduction
    • An overview of course goals
  2. Module 1: Key Concept 1
    • Lesson 1.1: Subtopic
    • Lesson 1.2: Subtopic
  3. Module 2: Key Concept 2
    • Lesson 2.1: Subtopic
    • Lesson 2.2: Subtopic
  4. Conclusion
    • Summary of what was learned
    • Next steps and additional resources

Decide on the number of modules and lessons that are related to your topic, making sure each one builds on the previous and contributes to the overall course objectives.

Creating Engaging Material

Your video content doesn’t just relay information—it needs to captivate your students. To create engaging material, include a mix of video lectures, infographics, and interactive elements. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is the material visually appealing and easy to follow?
  • Have you included practical examples that enhance understanding?
  • Are there quizzes or exercises to reinforce learning?

Use a mix of audio-visual aids and real-world applications to connect theory to practical use.

Keep videos concise, focused, and abundant with insights and strategies that are immediately applicable to your students’ goals.

4. Marketing Your Course

How to create online course for passive income - Workspace with laptop

Once you’ve created your online course, the next pivotal step is to get the word out through marketing and promotions.

Effective marketing can be the difference between a few sales and a wildly successful course.

Email List Building

Building an email list should be a cornerstone of your marketing strategy.

Start by crafting a landing page with a compelling lead magnet, like a free webinar, to entice visitors to subscribe.

From there, use email marketing to nurture your leads by providing valuable content and updates about your course.

Social Media and Paid Advertising

Harness the power of social platforms by creating a Facebook group related to your course’s niche and engage with potential students.

Combine organic strategies with paid advertising to reach a broader audience. Your ads should direct traffic to your landing page, optimizing the chances of conversion.

Leveraging Affiliates and Partnerships

Affiliate marketing can significantly expand the reach of your course.

Recruit affiliates and industry influencers to promote your course, and offer them a commission on sales.

Partnerships with related businesses or organizations can also help you tap into new networks and market your course more effectively.

5. Launching and Selling

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When you’re ready to create and sell your online course, a strategic approach is key for generating passive income.

Leverage techniques to pre-sell the course, optimize your sales funnel, and set strategic prices to encourage more students to buy your course.

Pre-Selling Techniques

Pre-selling is a fantastic way to gauge interest and secure revenue before your course launch.

  1. Start by sharing valuable content related to your course topic.
  2. Offer a free mini-course or webinar to hook potential buyers and collect emails.
  3. Communicate the benefits of your course and create a sense of urgency with a limited-time offer for early birds.

This way, you can generate buzz and validate your course’s potential to generate passive income.

Creating Your Sales Funnel

A well-crafted sales funnel moves interested people from awareness to purchase.

  • Begin with a landing page that highlights your course’s value proposition.
  • Use captivating testimonials and strong CTAs to build trust and guide potential students through the buying process.
  • Consider using email series, retargeting ads, and affiliate partnerships to sell your course effectively.

This creates multiple touchpoints, increasing the likelihood of sales.

Optimizing Pricing Strategies

Deciding on a price is critical for course sales. Research the market to ensure your prices are competitive but also reflect the value you’re providing.

  • Test different pricing tiers
  • Offer bundles or discounts for early adoption or bulk purchases.
  • Offer different payment types such as subscription, or one-time payment

Dynamic pricing, such as seasonal discounts or coupons for the first 100 buyers, can further incentivize students to buy your course.

Remember, finding the right price point can create and sell a sustainable stream of income.

6. Scaling and Automation

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As your online course begins to generate passive income, your focus should shift towards maximizing efficiency and expanding your reach.

Scaling and automation are essential for evolving your passive income streams into a more significant source of revenue.

Course Updates and Content Refreshes

To maintain the relevancy and value of your content, periodic updates are crucial.

  • Enhancing existing sections
  • Adding new lectures based on current information and trends. 

By keeping your content fresh, you ensure that both new and returning students find it beneficial, which can encourage ongoing enrollment.

Building a Learning Community

A learning community engages and retains students, converting a single purchase into a lasting relationship.

Use platforms like Facebook groups or forums to enable peer discussions and support.

This not only bolsters student learning but also creates a network that can attract new students through word-of-mouth, bolstering your passive income from online courses.

Automation Tools and Techniques

Automation can transform your time-consuming tasks into efficient processes.

  • Utilize email marketing software to nurture leads
  • Consider course management systems to track progress and communicate with students.

Explore tools that can distribute your content across platforms to reach more potential students, streamlining your role as an online entrepreneur while enhancing your passive income potential.

7. Grow Your Passive Income with Automated Sales Funnel

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Screenshot from my Systeme automated sales funnel creation

To significantly boost your passive income, an automated sales funnel acts as a reliable money machine.

It’s your virtual salesperson, working around the clock to convert prospects into paying customers without your constant oversight.

Step 1: Get traffic into your sales funnel

To kickstart your automated sales funnel, you need to attract visitors.

Use various traffic sources like social media, SEO, or paid ads.

Your goal here is to direct potential customers to your landing pages where they can learn more about your online courses.

Step 2: Collect email leads

Once visitors land on your page, offer them a compelling lead magnet such as

  • Free ebook
  • Mini-course
  • Checklist or resources

You can offer any types of lead magnet in exchange for their email address. 

This is the first step in funneling them toward making a purchase. 

The importance of building your email list cannot be overstated—consider it the backbone of your sales funnel.

Step 3: Send automated emails to warm up your audience

Use an email service provider to set up a sequence of automated emails.

These should educate and engage your leads, building trust and authority. By doing this, you’re warming them up for the upcoming sales pitch.

Think of this stage as nurturing your potential customers and getting them excited about your offerings.

Step 4: Get sales from your email list

With your audience now warmed up, it’s time to make your pitch. Your email sequence should lead to a carefully crafted sales letter or a video that presents your course as the solution to their needs.

Here’s where you start turning leads into sales, with minimal manual effort.

Step 5: Offer promotions and deals to increase your conversion

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of special offers.

Periodically sending promotions or bundle deals can boost conversions. 

Tailor these offers to your audience’s interests and needs, and watch your passive income grow as your automated system moves them through the funnel to a purchase.

How Create and Sell Online Course Help You to Make Passive Income

How to create online course for passive income - Sales Funnels

Creating online course is a great way to earn passive income. With the right course idea, and understanding the pain point of your audience, you can start tailor your course content that offers a solution which helps your audience to solve their problems.

Here are a few good reasons why start building an online course business can help you generate passive income.

  1. Scalability: Online courses can reach an unlimited global audience without proportional increases in effort.
  2. Flexibility: Learners can engage at their own pace, attracting a diverse audience and ensuring continuous enrollment.
  3. Evergreen Content: Well-crafted courses on timeless topics remain relevant over time, attracting new learners consistently.
  4. Automation and Integration: Technology allows for automated processes, managing enrollments and assessments, making the income model more passive.
  5. Global Reach and Niche Targeting: Breaking geographical barriers and catering to niche interests enhance sustainability and income potential.
  6. Diversification: Multiple courses within the same niche create resilient income streams, mitigating risks.
  7. Authority and Brand Recognition: Providing valuable courses establishes expertise, leading to brand credibility, referrals, and sustained passive income.

Creating an online course is a transformative journey that can establish your expertise while helping others with your knowledge.

Everyone have knowledge that someone else want to learn.

Today, with so many online course platforms and tools to choose from, it is a good opportunity to start creating your own online course for passive income.

Let’s Create a Successful Online Business

Thinkific - Course Creation - Example
Screenshot from my ThinkiFic course creation process

Creating your first online course can be daunting, but with the right tools and software for online course creation, you can easily create your course in 25 to 500 hours, offering an amazing learning experience for your learners.

If you are unsure which tools or software to use, check out our recommendations which I’ve verified, tried and tested myself throughout my career.

Creating passive income by building your course online is perfect for those who loves to share what they know, and the course creation process is as simple as:

  1. Identifying your niche that resonates with your audience.
  2. Selecting a suitable platform to host your course for seamless user experience. (LearnWorlds and ThinkiFic are my top choices)
  3. Developing compelling course content.
  4. Effective sales funnel marketing that create buzz around your online course for your course launch.
  5. Scaling your online business with automation tools
  6. Optimizing your sales funnel to encourage sustainable growth, ultimately leading to a flourishing source of passive income.

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Founder & Financial Writer at Income Buddies | Website | Posts by Author

Antony C. is a dividend investor with over 15+ years of investing experience. He’s also the book author of “Start Small, Dream Big“, certified PMP® holder and founder of IncomeBuddies.com (IB). At IB, he share his personal journey and expertise on growing passive income through dividend investing and building online business. Antony has been featured in global news outlet including Yahoo Finance, Nasdaq and Non Fiction Author Association (NFAA).

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